Friday, September 30, 2011

A Fabulous 22nd Birthday=)

September 17, 2011

How can I ever being to explain how much I love knowing that God looks out for me and is aware of me?! Wow is all I can really say. Life is just wonderful! 

Okay Mom, you asked me to tell you what I did for my birthday. So...the day started out very normal. Typical waking up well before the sun, studies, etc. You know, just the same old same old. We had to run to the chapel a bit later to go let the Nogent soeurs in, along with the nanny who cut our hair. (the trend is going around ha ha. Natalie agreed to cut their hair too that day.) Then on the way home we went and bought a couple of pizzas for lunch. As we took that round about way to get home, somehow the topic came up of our last couple days in the "real world." So a bit later, after we'd finished lunch, and Soeur Barros went to take a nap, I worked a little bit on finishing up a tape I'd been meaning to send to you. That's where I got a bit trunky. I really think it's hugely to blame that I'd just spent the last 30-45 minutes talking about saying "goodbye" to you, but that coupled with the fact of knowing that this was the first birthday in  22 years that I wouldn't be spending with you really kind of increased the feeling. It was a good day. I was happy to be where I was, but I just missed having family with me. After finishing the tape, God and I had a bit of a chat. I just asked him to help me enjoy the moment and not be fixated on what I was "missing." But I told him, happy though I was, if I could change anything it would be to have my family with me. But, since that wasn't changeable at that time, me not "survive" the day, but rather enjoy it. I mean hi, who gets to say that for their birthday they ran around Versailles France after all?! ha ha

Oh side note I spaced. The package. I love that fabric! The summerish warmth has been holding on here, but it couldn't have been more perfect when it suddenly cooled down just enough that that outfit was perfect for the weather on Monday. Thank you! New clothes are always life savers out here ha ha! We ate the brownies after our pizza. The candles posed a bit of a challenge getting them to not fall over, but since our apartment complex didn't burn down, we seem to have succeeded. ;) And we love the shoes! You're right, I can't really wear them super often, but trust me, I will happily find plenty of excuses to do so all the same. ;) I have gained a whole new appreciation for non-ugly shoes after wearing sister missionary shoes every day.

Anyway, after my momentary homesick couple of minutes, Soeur Barros woke up and we went out to do some street contacting. We were even able to get in our second lesson of the day doing so. We talked to a man who used to be Christian, but currently believes that God is just a figment of our imagination. wasn't the happiest lesson, but it was a lesson all the same. When we set goals, we can't always anticipate how, but God will help us achieve them.